
A Farm somewhere in The Forest of Dean

Bio: I write about and photograph the nature around me from a little farm in The Forest of Dean. I watch plants, animals, fungi, I don't have a field of expertise but I do have a field full of Wildflowers and Badgers. I get so much enjoyment from the natural world and I want to share what I see and so I blog about it. (With pictures) I hope that you enjoy my blog. All the best - Colin

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76 thoughts on “About”

  1. I just love your blog. We live isolated in the woods in France and are surrounded by every type of fauna and flora. I grew up on a farm in Oxfordshire and I suppose that’s where my love of nature started. Many thanks for stopping by my blog with a basketful of ‘likes’!


    1. Thanks. I love living on a farm close to the forest but I would love it even more to be isolated in the woods. Preferably up a tree. I have just been reading about your “thunder egg” great stuff.


  2. Hi!! I was just nominated for the Liebster award, and I chose your blog to pass it along to as I love reading your entries and seeing your pictures. You have a wonderful blog. I know that it is a lot to do, so if you do not have the time to do the entry or do not want to, no worries there– I just wanted for you to know that I acknowledged you on my blog page. 🙂 Take care!



    1. Hi Boeta and thank you for that really nice thought. I only really started using WordPress last month and I haven’t figured out this award thing yet. I know that some people like it and some people don’t so I want to hold fire until I know what’s going on. Thank you so much for nominating me though. I love your blog, family life in South Africa, good stuff and I am looking forward to reading more 🙂


      1. I understand totally, I like your blog, and well if by putting some emphasis on it from our blog you get more readers, I am pleased. I am not big on the award thing either, not the reason for blogging, but it was nice that some people thought it was worth a mention so I returned the favor, in a post, not going to put it permanently on sidebar though.
        I am thinking of another idea, which may catch your fancy, doing a network of blogs with a badge called something like “OUR LOCAL FAUNA & FLORA”! I will do a post about the idea at some stage and see what people think. Cheers for now!


  3. Many Thanks for the recent likes at naturestimeline and UKbirdingtimeline, they are much appreciated. I will follow your blog.

    Best Wishes



  4. You are a prolific blogger, it’s difficult to catch up with you on a daily basis 😉 I really enjoy reading you. Where did you accumulate this various knowledge about plant, tree, animals, etc ? 🙂


  5. Thanks Gin, I enjoy your blog too 🙂 I do blog a lot but I have designed my blog to be easy to navigate. Everything is available on the front page and you don’t have to jump from post to post. That costs me stats, page views but I hope makes visiting my blog more enjoyable. I try to keep my posts quite short too 🙂 My vast knowledge 🙂 🙂 🙂 has been accumulated over many years. About twelve years ago my ex wife and I bought a piece of woodland in East Sussex. The day that we first viewed the land we saw two Adders in a clearing there. I didn’t even own a camera in those days, I had a mobile phone. That started me on this journey of discovery. 🙂 I will learn something new today, it’s a good feeling 🙂


  6. I really appreciate your life outlook, and the showcasing you do of even what some consider ‘lowly’ herbals. Your blog is a real treasure, so glad you found WordPress so we can share your adventures!


    1. Thank you so much SE 🙂 Now that I have found Sunflower Solace Farm I feel totally humbled that someone with your talent should enjoy my little ramblings. So it goes 🙂 I am glad that I found you.


    1. Thanks Tom. The Forest of Dean is in Gloucestershire, a county in South West England. It is right at the bottom of the border with Wales and The nearest city is Gloucester.


  7. Your ability to jump straight into the countryside is a gift. A beautiful nature diary – I look forward to lots more 🙂 Thank you for passing my way, also!


  8. You should add the option to follow via e-mail notifications. The “follow” at the top of the window just sends it to the reader (which I usually don’t look at).


  9. thanks for stopping by and the like on my recent post. I enjoyed looking through your site. The area you live in looks like a very beautiful place. Best Wishes!


  10. Thank you for visiting my blog. I was absolutely delighted to discover yours as a result. Beautiful photography and fascinating notes on nature. They stay with me through the day. Thank you again.


  11. Thank you so much for the follow at Move the Chair-I enjoy your blog a great deal-the photographs and videos are amazing-my favorites so far have been of the badgers-your blog is a wonderful window to the natural world where you live-

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Meg 🙂 You have another follow now, I have just found your “Little Dogs” Blog. I like to have dogs around. There will be many more Badgers to come but my camera is out on loan at the moment. Not to worry the Badgers are still there. 🙂


  12. Dear Fodrambler, A couple of things. First ll me where you are. The forest of Dean is a bit vague. Second, anyone who wants to post about a spider must be worth following.I once had to teach a class of secondary students a bit about art and nature. So I had them all go out into the garden in the morniong with a can of white spray paint and a piece of wood and make a picture. I don’t know how to show you, but please look at my blog again (thanks for the ‘likes’ by the way) and look at the post called ” For Fodrambler”


    1. Thank you John. I really liked the “For Fodrambler” post and your “Scattered Words” are worth collecting. A very good read. The Forest of Dean is 27,000 acres of woodland in Gloucestershire England. I couldn’t publish my exact location because here in the UK we have people who would harm wildlife if they knew where to find it. I would never publish the location of a Badger Sett for instance.It is a sad state of affairs but I am afraid it is very true. Take care my friend and keep on posting 🙂


  13. Hi, Colin. I love your blog! Thanks so much for the follow. I’m enjoying all the wonderful tidbits and photos and glimpses of you in your writing and the care you take with your craft. I’m hooked, and will keep coming back for my Fodrambling Forest of Dean breaks!


  14. This blog you have is fantastic. I enjoy the narration you provide that further adds to the life of each photograph. Great work!

    I came by here to thank you for the ‘like’ on my post County Bridge 216. Thank you for stopping by and do come back again.


      1. Thank you. Everything fell into place on those two days of picture taking in the Smokys. The weather was great (the big clouds and the mist), the traffic was low (surprising for that time of year) and the colors were beginning to vary for the fall season. Glad you could enjoy them. I will be posting on that trip in the next few weeks with some of the details.


  15. Hello,
    I have recently started a new blog http://everydaypeopleoftheworld.wordpress.com/ and as a follower of your blog I think that you are someone who would be excellent to feature as you seem to lead such a rich life.
    The aim behind this site as a result is to conduct a short interview with a variety of people to show people throughout the world’s hopes, fears, loves and hates. Who are these 7-billion people who inhabit this rock going round the sun? What do we all have in common? What difficulties can we all face together?
    In my simple mind, the more we learn about each other, the more we highlight that we’re all just people then the less chance there is that we’ll turn guns and words of hate upon on another. It’s a simple dream, but we have a lot of people so let’s get started………
    If you’d like to feature on the site, then please get in touch via the contact page.’
    Do you think this is something you or anyone you know would be interested in? The idea is not for profit in anyway, the simple aim is to break some stigma and stereotypes.
    Many thanks for reading
    Claire Allen


  16. Hi Colin,
    I’m enjoying your blog, as usual and thanks for the update on Rosa’s baby. I really want it to be a happy ending.
    I’ve been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, by Auntie Doris and I’d love to nominate your blog for this award.
    Auntie Doris seems to have bent the rules slightly and so they don’t seem to be as time consuming.
    I will be posting on my blog soon…a post and page and the rules will be included in that…when I’ve got my head around them. Plus, there will be a link to your blog.
    If you’re up for this, fine, if not also fine. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
    I just wanted you to know that I enjoy your blog and I think it’s worthy of an award.
    Keep those lovely posts and photos coming.


  17. Thanks for checking out my blog post about America’s Wilderness Act. You’ve got a beautiful place here in the Forest of Dean. It’s wonderful to see someone immerse himself in the joys of Nature. Cheers!


  18. You went and done it. You went and followed Uncle Bardie’s Stories & Such. You are now one of Uncle Bardie’s Band of Merry Followers. Just so you know, Uncle Bardie’s a hoot, and he’s got quite a few whoppers in his bag of stories. Some funny, some not so funny. But all told for your entertainment. Thank you for following his blog.


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A nature diary from the Forest of Dean.