Shepherd’s Warning

It wasn’t a good day to be a shepherd. It wasn’t a good day to be anything really.

It started off very nicely.

SunriseThen the sky turned black and the rain started. It was a very short day anyway and now it is night and gales are buffeting the farm and the rain is pounding against my windows.

I am all cosy indoors but all of my little animals are living out there and it is just another winter’s night.

I wrote about Bird’s-foot Trefoil today and I will show you that in a bit, first I thought we could look at some moths. I would have liked to put more into my flower post but that was supposed to be about flowers.

Day flying moths, some of them are just as pretty as the butterflies.

This is a Speckled Yellow moth (Pseudopanthera macularia). It’s caterpillars feed on Wood Sage and it is common in open woodland.

Speckled YellowThis next beauty is a Green Silver-lines (Pseudoips prasinana). Another woodland moth, this one favours Oak and Birch trees.

Green Silver-lines

Green Silver-linesThis next one isn’t a moth at all, yet but it will be. It looks a bit like an old Birch catkin.

Scalloped Hook-tipThis is the caterpillar of a Scalloped Hook-tip Moth ( Falcaria lacertinaria) and it feeds on Birch, naturally.

Scalloped Hook-tipThis next one is called a Silver Y moth (Autographa gamma) , try and guess Y.

This is a summer visitor arriving in the UK from May onwards it comes from Southern Europe. It  is not a fussy eater, Bedstraws, Nettles, Clovers, it also likes Peas and Cabbage.

Silver Y

Silver YIf we have another day like today then I will post more moths tomorrow. Here are my flowers.

Lotus corniculatus, The Bird’s-foot Trefoil.

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus) Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)This is a flower of grassland. It grows in meadows and on heaths in forest rides and if you are very lucky, in your garden.

Bird’s-foot Trefoil is very variable in size. Amongst short grass the small flowers may be just inches off the ground.

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)In long grass it can grow to about twenty inches. It seems to be able to flower at whatever height the surrounding plants are rising to.

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)In many parts of the world Bird’s-foot Trefoil is grown as an animal fodder and I read that it can yield up to four tons of hay per acre. That is difficult to comprehend when you see the tiny flowers growing in short cropped grass.

The name Bird’s-foot comes from the seed pods which are claw like and resemble a Bird’s foot. Another popular name for this plant is Granny’s Toenails.

Bird's-foot Trefoil seed pods (lotus corniculatus) Bird's-foot Trefoil seed pods (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil seed pods (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil seed pods (lotus corniculatus)The Trefoil part of the name is a reference to the leaves. Each leaf is actually made up of five leaflets but two of these are at the base of the mid rib and the remaining three form the trefoil at the end of the leaf.

Bird's-foot Trefoil leaves (lotus corniculatus)New buds continually form and grow from the centre of existing leaves, which makes it difficult to study the form and shape of the plant.

Bird's-foot Trefoil leaves (lotus corniculatus)It has a squarish stem.

Bird's-foot Trefoil leaves and stem (lotus corniculatus)It also has a very deep tap root (up to three feet deep) that allows it to thrive on poorer soils.

Bird’s-foot Trefoil is a very important wildlife plant and as such a wonderful addition to any garden. It is especially valuable as a larval food plant for many of our most beautiful Moths and Butterflies including the Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Silver Studded Blue and these Common Blues.

Common Blue on Bird's-foot Trefoil Common Blue on Bird's-foot Trefoil   Common Blue on Bird's-foot Trefoil   Common Blue on Bird's-foot TrefoilAmongst the Moths it is a larval food plant for the Six-spot Burnet and for this next one the Burnet Companion.

Burnet Companion on Bird's-foot Trefoil

Burnet Companion on Bird's-foot TrefoilThe Bird’s-foot Trefoil is a member of the Pea family, known as the Fabaceae and sometimes by the older name of the Leguminosae.

It is native to the UK, Eurasia and North Africa.

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus) Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)   Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)


Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Genus: Lotus

Species: Lotus corniculatus

Bird's-foot Trefoil flowers (lotus corniculatus)Wildflowers in winter.

46 thoughts on “Shepherd’s Warning”

    1. Thanks Clare 🙂 We are getting lots of bad weather but also we are getting some really nice days. It has been day on/day off for the last week. I hope that you are getting some of the sunshine too.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I can’t wait until it is the right season to go out into fields and look down. I think I’m probably missing a huge amount of plant life by not taking the time to kneel down and look at the ground…


  2. Very enjoyable and interesting reading. Your photos if the Green Silver-lines was really interesting. I’m wondering if there is anything in its habitat that would cause it to have that fluffy part at its head. Do you know if helps him blend in somewhere?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks David, a very interesting question 🙂 I don’t know, I don’t think science knows. Two things that I do know though. 1) Moths have ears and they are located on the top surface of the thorax and hidden by that tuft of hair. 2) The Green Silver-lines moth has a special “Tymbal” organ that makes sounds. It clicks as it flies. Tymbal organ link.

      It seems possible to me that the exaggerated tuft of hairs around the ears may help to amplify or be related to the fact that it clicks when it flies. Possibly 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you John 🙂 but I wonder how producing large crops of a natural food plant would affect the balance of nature. We could have plaques of Common Blues, now known as Very Common Blues or Too Bl**dy Common Blues 🙂


      1. OK you Luddite, The whole bloody world is into monoculture. Monsanto and canola and roundup rules the world. A little bit of diversity is like a cord holding my place in the dark.


  3. Marvelous Mothzillas! Lovely lotus corniculatus! Do they still call this Bacon & Eggs? Here we call “linaria vulgaris” Butter & Eggs, although after lawnmower man gets loose they become scrambled eggs, unfortunately. (My front lawn has to have a hair cut once in a while to keep the peace). Thank you. We all need more rainy days like this 🙂


  4. Another wonderful, and very educational day, even spent indoors. I thank-you for both you time and your consideration, as well as your dedication to your Blog.


  5. Your photos are so detailed – truly the best insect photos I’ve ever seen! The Green Silverlines should be called Green Lion – it looks like a mane. Fantastic insect!
    Lovely the bicolor orange/yellow on the trefoil – makes me wish I had some here in my fields. I love the knowledge you share, you make it interesting and fun. Thanks so much, Colin!


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