
I didn’t set out today to capture a Hawthorn, I was on a very different kind of mission, I was getting myself some new pets. I will show you them later.

Seeing the tree like this almost bereft of leaves and so heavy with fruit I just had to photograph it. This post might be a bit red.

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn BerriesIt is quite a lot of photographs but then, I think that I may need these images in the future. I hope that you liked them. 🙂

33 thoughts on “Hawthorn”

  1. I liked these and I do the same thing. I take lots of pictures. some because I like them and thing they look good and some because I think I may be able to use them in the future.


    1. Thanks Dan 🙂 I know that once I have put them on line I can find them again, even if my external hard drive disappears in the chaos of divorce and I lose a thousand gigs of pictures 🙂


    1. Thanks Clare 🙂 At the same time that I saw these I also found Spindle berries and I took pictures but the weather is miserable. I am holding back on them, hoping for some clearer sky. I only found one Spindle in the spring and I lost that when the hedgerow grew but now with fruit on them I am finding them again 🙂


      1. Yes, I lose spindle in the summer; it does tend to get over-whelmed. I am always excited when I find spindle berries – I love the pink and orange together. Only nature could put those two colours together and make it beautiful.


  2. The fourth from last (single berry on branch) is my favorite. Quite a balancing act given the slant of the branch and the diameter of the berry relative to that of the branch. Good example of potential energy.


    1. Thanks Eliza 🙂 Birds love them but there are so many that they persist for quite a time. In fact there are always a few left when the buds are growing out in the spring 🙂


  3. I love the berries! You have a great camera and know how to use it! I look forward to each blog, knowing there will be ample photos to enjoy. So glad I Follow.


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